Stephen Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch), a neurosurgeon with a proud personality and a successful career, suffered a tragic car accident. He could no longer hold the scalpel with his hands and could no longer continue his practice. In order to treat his injury, he went to Nepal and met Baron Mordo (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor). Under the leadership of Baron Mordo, he was helped by the Ancient One Master (played by Tilda Swinton).
Stephen Strange put aside all his previous conceit and began to get in touch with and learn about the little-known metaphysics and the knowledge of the multi-dimensional world. In Greenwich Village, New York, Strange, who has transformed into Doctor Strange, is the middleman between the real world and the multidimensional space. He uses superpowers and artifacts to protect the world. He also has to fight with the powerful Casillas (played by Casillas) and his many followers. Mads Mikkelsen) fight to save the multidimensional world that is about to collapse.
The film tells the story of neurosurgeon Stephen Strange, who lost the ability to use his hands in a car accident. Finally, with the help of the Ancient One, he became Doctor Strange with supernatural powers.Dr.
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